Aziende con AIA: controlli agli impianti di competenza regionale presenti in ...
ARPAT - Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale della Toscana
I dati risultanti dai controlli delle aziende con Autorizzazione Integrata Ambientale
Concentrazione di cesio-137 nelle acque superficiali - anni 2012-2017 e 2019-...
ARPAT - Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale della Toscana
Concentrazione di cesio-137 nelle acque superficiali - anni 2012-2017 e 2019-2021
Posidonia oceanica - Indice PREI - anno 2021
ARPAT - Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale della Toscana
Posidonia oceanica Rapid Easy Index
Anguille: biomassa, abbondanza e peso medio - anni 2013-2021
ARPAT - Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale della Toscana
Stime in kg/ha riferite a 5 bacini della Toscana
Qualità delle acque sotterranee - anno 2021
ARPAT - Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale della Toscana
Stato chimico dei corpi idrici sotterranei della Toscana - anno 2021
Air quality observation provenance metadata in Tuscany
This dataset provides provenance metadata of each calibration model adopted in Tuscany Cities (Firenze, Pisa, Livorno) and used to generate calibrated air quality data. The...
Real Time Air Quality Observation in Tuscany, json data in the cities of Fire...
Real Time Air Quality Observation measured by CNR-IBE sensors. The data are available in the Snap4City portal ( and have been derived from the...
Air Quality Observation in Tuscany based on date, json data in the cities of ...
Air Quality Observation in Tuscany based on date, measured by CNR-IBE sensors. The data are available in the Snap4City portal ( and have been...
Air Quality Prediction Coverage based on date, heatmaps in the cities of Fire...
The predictions are realised with a definition of 4x4 meters, at both 3 and 6 meters. The data are available in the Snap4City portal ( and have...
Latest Air Quality Prediction Coverages, heatmaps in the cities of Firenze, P...
The predictions are realised with a definition of 4x4 meters, at both 3 and 6 meters. The data are available in the Snap4City portal ( and have...
Real-Time Air Quality Observation Coverage, heatmaps in the Cities of Firenze...
The data are available in the Snap4City portal ( and have been derived from the observations obtained during the European TRAFAIR project.
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