Shapefile dell' Art. 11 - Aree fragili (formato shp)
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Informazioni supplementari
Nome campo | Valore |
Data last updated | Sconosciuto |
Metadata last updated | Sconosciuto |
Creato | Sconosciuto |
Formato | ZIP |
Licenza | Creative Commons Attribution |
Creato | 8 anni fa |
archiver | {'resource_timestamp': '2017-10-06T08:43:56.110850', 'status_id': 0, 'is_broken': False, 'reason': '', 'url_redirected_to': None, 'cache_filepath': '/mnt/ckan/resource_cache/17/1741a8b8-a9d7-4869-adcf-c7c335c331db/', 'cache_url': '/17/1741a8b8-a9d7-4869-adcf-c7c335c331db/', 'size': 1148389, 'mimetype': 'application/zip', 'hash': 'd4f63fd748861dd0cb7087aa2a627d3b99dbe8d3', 'etag': None, 'last_modified': None, 'first_failure': None, 'last_success': '2023-09-05T13:15:35.658222', 'failure_count': 0, 'created': '2018-10-14T15:08:35.943963', 'updated': '2023-09-05T13:15:35.658222', 'status': 'Archived successfully', 'is_broken_printable': 'Downloaded OK'} |
distribution format | ARC |
format | ZIP |
id | 1741a8b8-a9d7-4869-adcf-c7c335c331db |
metadata modified | 1 anno fa |
package id | 5df8e84f-9e18-4db4-9db0-1b50e766f1cc |
qa | {'resource_timestamp': None, 'archival_timestamp': '2018-10-17T16:14:16.514027', 'openness_score': 2, 'openness_score_reason': 'Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.', 'format': 'SHP', 'created': '2018-10-06T14:25:03.043761', 'updated': '2018-10-20T12:55:12.557955'} |
resource type | download |
state | active |
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