Zone cuscinetto della rete dei boschi (formato shp)
Non è stata ancora creata alcuna vista per questa risorsa.
Informazioni supplementari
Nome campo | Valore |
Data last updated | Sconosciuto |
Metadata last updated | Sconosciuto |
Creato | Sconosciuto |
Formato | ZIP |
Licenza | Creative Commons Attribution |
Creato | 7 anni fa |
archiver | {'resource_timestamp': '2018-09-20T23:15:35.901874', 'status_id': 12, 'is_broken': True, 'reason': "Connection error: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /geonetwork/srv/api/records/cmfi%3Ae8ab59fb-a26f-44bb-b4b4-840ebf41a3d7/attachments/ (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f24ea3fd970>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))", 'url_redirected_to': None, 'cache_filepath': '/mnt/ckan/resource_cache/34/3416534f-41c4-4591-b211-f535e068b08a/resources.get', 'cache_url': '/34/3416534f-41c4-4591-b211-f535e068b08a/resources.get', 'size': 755569, 'mimetype': 'application/zip', 'hash': 'df7fbf681cf211f342c6ab38be20f0b3babaed9c', 'etag': None, 'last_modified': None, 'first_failure': '2023-09-05T13:06:01.150031', 'last_success': '2018-10-19T06:55:48.116133', 'failure_count': 1, 'created': '2018-10-15T13:19:43.487780', 'updated': '2023-09-05T13:06:01.150031', 'status': 'Download error', 'is_broken_printable': 'Broken'} |
distribution format | ARC |
format | ZIP |
id | 3416534f-41c4-4591-b211-f535e068b08a |
metadata modified | 2 anni fa |
package id | 42621f94-7de8-4e33-b298-220a6c5dbc52 |
qa | {'resource_timestamp': None, 'archival_timestamp': '2018-10-19T06:55:48.116133', 'openness_score': 2, 'openness_score_reason': 'Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.', 'format': 'SHP', 'created': '2018-10-06T16:59:52.779974', 'updated': '2018-10-20T14:09:38.339974'} |
resource type | download |
state | active |
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