Tabella relazionabile tramite il codice edificio allo shapefile degli edifici scolastici che contiene i dati relativi alle attrezzature sportive (sezione F) e alla mensa (sezione G) della scheda dell'anagrafe regionale - CSV
Informazioni supplementari
Nome campo | Valore |
Data last updated | Sconosciuto |
Metadata last updated | Sconosciuto |
Creato | Sconosciuto |
Formato | CSV |
Licenza | Creative Commons Attribution |
Creato | 6 anni fa |
archiver | {'resource_timestamp': '2018-09-20T23:15:33.914489', 'status_id': 0, 'is_broken': False, 'reason': '', 'url_redirected_to': '', 'cache_filepath': '/mnt/ckan/resource_cache/9d/9d432018-06bc-4bf0-a948-16148c7904b0/resources.get', 'cache_url': '/9d/9d432018-06bc-4bf0-a948-16148c7904b0/resources.get', 'size': 24017, 'mimetype': 'application/binary', 'hash': '86a90f93b65032cecb0f41c8a48ca5804bc00ac8', 'etag': None, 'last_modified': None, 'first_failure': None, 'last_success': '2018-10-15T16:46:41.851618', 'failure_count': 0, 'created': '2018-10-07T03:44:30.141946', 'updated': '2018-10-15T16:46:41.851618', 'status': 'Archived successfully', 'is_broken_printable': 'Downloaded OK'} |
distribution format | CSV |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | 9d432018-06bc-4bf0-a948-16148c7904b0 |
metadata modified | 1 anno fa |
package id | 3f634911-8178-491c-80b6-bba981e04cf2 |
position | 4 |
qa | {'resource_timestamp': None, 'archival_timestamp': '2018-10-15T16:46:41.851618', 'openness_score': 3, 'openness_score_reason': 'Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.', 'format': 'CSV', 'created': '2018-10-05T17:05:38.362582', 'updated': '2018-10-20T10:18:35.624970'} |
state | active |
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