Servizio WMS uso e copertura suolo


From the dataset abstract

Servizio OGC di tipo WMS fornito da Regione Toscana (Sistema Informativo Territoriale ed Ambientale) dedicato specificamente alla consultazione dell' uso e copertura del suolo (ucs)...

Sorgente: Regione Toscana - Uso e copertura del suolo

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Informazioni supplementari

Nome campo Valore
Data last updated Sconosciuto
Metadata last updated Sconosciuto
Creato Sconosciuto
Formato WMS
Licenza Creative Commons Attribution
Creato11 anni fa
archiver{'resource_timestamp': '2013-09-11T15:17:09.450322', 'status_id': 12, 'is_broken': True, 'reason': "Connection error: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /cartografia/wmsraster/com.rt.wms.RTmap/wms?map=wmsucs&map_resolution=91& (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f1e197d0750>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))", 'url_redirected_to': None, 'cache_filepath': None, 'cache_url': None, 'size': 0, 'mimetype': None, 'hash': None, 'etag': None, 'last_modified': None, 'first_failure': '2018-10-15T00:31:24.396700', 'last_success': None, 'failure_count': 3, 'created': '2018-10-15T00:31:24.889354', 'updated': '2018-10-20T01:50:43.376049', 'status': 'Download error', 'is_broken_printable': 'Broken'}
metadata modified11 anni fa
package idd81bec85-bf1f-42bb-bf27-6831885724a4
qa{'resource_timestamp': None, 'archival_timestamp': '2018-10-20T01:50:43.376049', 'openness_score': 0, 'openness_score_reason': "File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /cartografia/wmsraster/com.rt.wms.RTmap/wms?map=wmsucs&map_resolution=91& (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f1e197d0750>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=30)')). Attempted on 20/10/2018. Tried 3 times since 15/10/2018. This URL has not worked in the history of this tool.", 'format': 'WMS', 'created': '2017-02-18T14:29:36.871529', 'updated': '2018-10-20T13:36:42.718717'}
resource typeapi
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